Hi, I’m April Mae ~

  • The heart behind Embrace Today♡

  • I’m a mom to 3 teenagers

  • I have finally figured out how to smile & laugh, while navigating this crazy, fun life.

Let’s face it, the years of raising young children and teenagers are tough for the whole family. Parents typically feel alone, unsure what to do next and are often stuck in their own emotional wounding, which ultimately affects their ability to be healthy parents.

I come alongside parents who are navigating this challenging time. As a certified Adult Chair® Coach, I specialize in reversing the breakdown of the family unit.  I work with parents who are feeling exhausted, overwhelmed and need direction and support. 

As you read this, I am in the middle of a 12-year span of raising THREE teenagers. Wow! Just saying that out loud makes me immediately exhausted. Seriously though, my ultimate dream is to survive the teenage years and still love and respect one another.

We are a family of five, enjoying the beautiful sunshine of Central Florida. It’s truly my dream come true. I’ll be real with you though: it hasn’t always been easy. I never knew I would need so much resiliency to get through some of the hardest challenges I have ever faced.

Like you, we have seen some trying times: 

● A major health crisis  

● Battled depression and anxiety

● Job loss and unemployment 

● Overcoming a financial crisis 

● Trauma from a life-changing car accident 

● And more…. 

The teenage years have caused stress on our marriage and tension in our home. I’ve had many moments sitting on my porch, tears running down my face, with no idea where to turn or what to do. I recall the times that I wanted to run from the stress, my husband wanted to hide and divorce was looming in the shadows. 

I sought help in my community, tried counseling and therapy, and ended up back in the same place a few months later…..on the back porch, crying out for answers. It became an all-too-familiar cycle that I couldn’t seem to break. 

Then I found what worked for me. To my surprise, it resonated with my husband & our kids. We began to listen to each other and understand one other. We began to honor ourselves and each of our needs. Our relationships began to improve. We began to heal. I found hope & joy. There was laughter in our home again. All because of The Adult Chair® model. 

Now, I am bringing this model to you. As a certified Adult Chair® Coach, I am here to teach you how to hold it together when it seems like everything is falling apart. My practice was developed by combining The Adult Chair ®model and years of essential oil knowledge, energy work, and meditation.

The answers you are seeking are within you; I simply show you the way. Let me help you to Embrace Today, no matter what comes your way. 

About The Adult Chair®

The Adult Chair® is a manual for your life. It’s a tool that helps you feel empowered, confident, and equipped with a clear roadmap to your healthiest, most authentic self. Through The Adult Chair®, you will understand how your life experiences have shaped you, give a voice to the different parts of who you are, gain greater self-awareness, and respond to life in a healthy way.

Listen to my story

~ What clients are saying ~

“She was so wonderful to talk with. I loved that she sent me my notes after my session. That really helped me remember all of the good that came from the session.”

“April provided simple homework and tools that I could use to improve my communication within the family. She made me feel heard and understood. She had great intuition during the session.”

“She held the space for me, beautifully. She made me feel safe, seen and heard. She gave me practical tools to use at home and continue my healing and growth.”

“April has a very strong presence that made me feel comfortable and relaxed. She is very professional and helped me to face my fear and opened my eyes to what was blocking me.”

Today is the day.

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Schedule a free discovery call and see if it’s right for you. There’s no commitment, no pressure and no obligation.